Common Uses of Hypnosis

Uses of Clinical Hypnosis in Mental Health and Medicine

Clinical Hypnosis is a useful modality for treatment. It is an evidence-based therapy. When Health-Care Professionals are well trained in both the utilization of hypnosis as a specialty or sub-specialty, and qualified as a healthcare professional to treat the problem area, clinical hypnosis can be utilized successfully for a variety if mental health and medical issues. 

Some Mental Health Applications of Hypnosis:

Drug & Alcohol Addiction and Abuse; Stress management, Relaxation, Stress related high blood pressure; Self-esteem, Self-image and Self-worth; Sleep disorders and Sleep disturbance; Anxiety disorders and Anxiety, Phobia, Fear, Worry, Thought Rumination; Mood disorders and Depression; Trauma, PTSD and Dissociative disorders; Acute and Chronic Pain relief and management; Weight management, Eating Disorders, Over Eating, Food Issues and Fitness Goals; Academic Performance, Text Anxiety, Focus, Concentration and Learning disorders; Sexual disorders and dysfunctions; Interpersonal communication and Assertiveness training; Smoking cessation; Bed-wetting; Sport Performance improvement, distraction control, yips, competition anxiety and goal attainment; Public Speaking; Stuttering; Creating habit change and a variety of undesirable behaviors.  

Some Medical Applications of Hypnosis:

Gastrointestinal disorders, Ulcers, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease; Dermatologic disorders, Eczema, Herpes, Neurodermatitis, Pruritus (itching), Psoriasis, Warts; Surgery/Anesthesiology, Amputation, Cesarean section, and Hysterectomy; Acute and Chronic Pain, back, dental analgesia, cancer, arthritis, headaches and migraines; Burn inflammation and healing promotion especially after the first few hours of a burn; Nausea and Vomiting associated with chemotherapy and pregnancy (hyperemesis gravidarum); Childbirth; Allergies; Asthma; Hypertension; Bruxism, TMJ/TMD disorders; Medical and Dental fears and anxiety. 

Hypnosis is most beneficial, optimally effective, when the hypnotherapist is both well trained in hypnosis and versed in general consideration of the problem area.  Additionally, a client or patient needs to be highly motivated to overcome a problem to support the changes and receive the suggestions. Some individuals seem to have a higher native hypnotic talent and capacity that may allow them to benefit more readily from hypnosis. 


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