Code of Ethics

The Oregon Society of Clinical Hypnosis (OSCH) has adopted this Code of Ethics in order to ensure the highest quality of patient care through the proper and effective use of clinical hypnosis by its members.

  1. Members of OSCH shall observe the professional and ethical standards of their respective clinical professions.
  2. A member of OSCH shall not support the practice of hypnosis by lay persons. In particular, a member of OSCH shall not teach hypnotic techniques to lay persons. Lectures informing lay persons about hypnosis are not prohibited so long as such lectures do not include demonstrations or didactic material teaching hypnotic induction.
    1. A "lay person" is an individual who lacks clinical training in a therapeutic or scientific profession recognized by OSCH.
    2. "Clinical" means the ability to diagnose, prescribe and carry out treatment for a medical, dental, or psychological disorder.
  3. Members of OSCH shall only use hypnosis within their respective areas of professional competence.
  4. The primary concern of each member of OSCH shall be the clinical well-being of the patient. To this end, each member of OSCH shall have appropriate professional contact with each patient.
  5. In the advertising of services or the dissemination of other information, members shall not overstate their professional credentials or make statements or claims which cannot be substantiated by relevant scientific evidence.
  6. No member of OSCH shall use hypnosis for entertainment purposes.
  7. Members of OSCH shall work together and with others in relevant fields to continually improve the use of clinical hypnosis.


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