OSCH Meeting and Social Time 8-8:30 am
Integrating Hypnosis into Dynamic Psychotherapy

Paul Feldman, PhD, will present a day long workshop and share how he uses hypnosis in clinical practice. The workshop will review two psychodynamic models of development based diagnosis and implications for treatment including goals, strategy and technical considerations. Hypnotic supportive and uncovering techniques will be presented for use in clinical practice.
This workshop will explore issues of personality development and structure, and corresponding decisions regarding treatment, through clinical case material presented by participants. Participants are requested to submit brief clinical vignettes from their current work prior to the training that will serve as the basis for discussing treatment options and, where appropriate, selection and introduction of hypnotic techniques.
By submitting brief clinical vignettes from current work with clients, participants can more easily grasp the application and usefulness of the material presented.
While it is not required, each registrant is requested to present a brief (one page) case summary as a basis for discussion. Summaries might include: Basic biographical information (age, gender, etc.), presenting problem, treatment history & current status, and a question regarding treatment that might be helpful to address.
If possible, please email your case summary a week or two in advance to paulfeldmanphd@gmail.com. If not, please bring two copies of your summary with you on the 15th.
If you have any questions regarding this request or any other aspect of the workshop, please send them to the above email address.
Learning Objectives :
- Participants will be able to discuss and apply 2 psychodynamic models of development for diagnosis and treatment planning.
- Participants will learn hypnotic techniques to use with clients for uncovering clinically relevant information.
- Participants will learn through clinical vignettes, demonstration and application of material presented.
6 ASCH CEUs accepted by most licensing boards. Check with your own licensing board on CEU guidelines if you have questions. (8:30 am - 4:30 pm; lunch on your own)
Paul Feldman, Ph.D., is a psychologist currently in private practice in Portland and a Life Member of the Oregon Society for Clinical Hypnosis. Previously a member of both ASCH and SCEH, he is a former adjunct faculty member and clinical supervisor at the Pacific University School of Professional Psychology. OSCH has honored him by creating the Paul Feldman Teaching Award for his contribution to education in clinical hypnosis.
Oregon Society of Clinical Hypnosis Training Fees : $100 (OSCH Members) $175 (Non-Members), $50 Associate (student/intern) Member, $90 (Students/Interns non-member). Late registration September 2nd - 12th; fees increase $25 over regular registration.
Participants must be licensed health care providers (social workers, counselors, nurses, psychologists, dentists, physicians, etc. with a masters or doctorate). Residents, interns, and students are eligible if enrolled in a masters or doctoral program.
Regular Event Registration Deadline: End of day Saturday, September 1st
Late Registration Deadline: End of day Tuesday, September 11th
All at the door registration will be an additional $40 added to the late registration cost.
Event Cancellation Refund Policy:
Cancellation refund requests submitted in writing to info@oregonhypnosis.org at least 21 days before the start of the workshop will receive an 100% refund of the amount paid less a $20 administrative charge. Cancellation refund requests received 20 -15 days before the start of the workshop will receive a 50% refund of the amount paid less a $20 administrative charge. No refund will be issued for requests made with 14 days notice or less.
OSCH reserves the right to provide a member or 'workshop registrant 'a full refund or credit toward a future workshop in special circumstances for compassionate relief at OSCH BOD leadership discretion. Requests must be made in writing prior to the events conclusion.