OSCH Meeting and Social Time 8-8:30 am
Robert Staffin, PsyD ABPH
Utililization and Beyond: What does the concept look like in clinical practice?

OSCH is honored to welcome Robert Staffin for a day-long training. In this workshop Robert Staffin, PsyD, ABPH shares how he understands, and ways in which he applies, the concept of utilization.
Through a mixture of didactic and experiential (demonstration, role play and small group training) approaches, participants will develop increased competency in (1) recognizing the multifaceted nature of utilization and the myriad of ways in which dimensions of the clinical encounter can be utilized. (2) How to craft interventions that harness the experiential and internal resources of both the client and clinician so as to make the the clinical encounter more impactful.
Learning Objectives - Participants will be able to:
- Discuss different ways in which the concept of “state” can be used.
- Articulate the difference between doing hypnosis and being hypnotic
- Describe how aspects of self, others and circumstances are available to be utilized in the service of potentiating the clinical encounter
- Design and present interventions that utilize dimensions of the tripartite structure of self, other and circumstances
- Formulate ways in which therapeutic messages and interventions can be “gift wrapped” so as to make them more appealing to the client
- Discuss 4 ways in which stories can be used in therapy to achieve a strategic intent
- Identify and analyze examples within the clinical encounters where aspects of self, other and circumstances are utilized
- Describe and discuss different ways in which the verbal and behavioral content inherent in communication can be utilized to potentiate the impact of the clinical encounter
Download the Robert Staffin 5-19-18 WS Flyer.pdf
7 ASCH CEUs (8:30 am - 4:30 pm; lunch on your own)
Robert Staffin, PsyD, ABPH is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Teaneck New Jersey. He is certified as an Approved Consultant in clinical hypnosis by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) and is a diplomate of the American Board of Psychological Hypnosis, ASCH’s lone endorsement of competence. He is the Vice President of the Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey, a component section of ASCH, where he teaches the fundamental and intermediate courses in clinical hypnosis and leads seminars in the applications of hypnosis in clinical practice. Dr. Staffin teaches both nationally and internationally.
Oregon Society of Clinical Hypnosis Training Fees (both live workshop and Webinar): $100 (OSCH Members) $160 (Non-Members) $80 (Students).
Participants must be licensed health care providers (social workers, counselors, nurses, psychologists, dentists, physicians, etc. with a masters or doctorate). Residents, interns, and students are eligible if enrolled in a masters or doctoral program.
Event Registration Deadline: End of day Saturday, May 13th
Event Cancellation Refund Policy:
Cancellation refund requests submitted in writing to info@oregonhypnosis.org at least 21 days before the start of the workshop will receive an 100% refund of the amount paid less a $20 administrative charge. Cancellation refund requests received 20 -15 days before the start of the workshop will receive a 50% refund of the amount paid less a $20 administrative charge. No refund will be issued for requests made with 14 days notice or less.
OSCH reserves the right to provide a member or 'workshop registrant 'a full refund or credit toward a future workshop in special circumstances for compassionate relief at OSCH BOD leadership discretion. Requests must be made in writing prior to the events conclusion.